


1091B, 1/F , Wood

Opening Time

Mon - Sun 11:00 - 21:00 (29Jan Closed; 30Jan 11:00-19:00)

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The FANCL "Preservatives-Free" skincare brand was founded in 1980 in Japan. Since its inception, FANCL has consistently secured world leadership status in the "Preservatives-Free" arena. FANCL created its unique "Preservatives-Free" concept – a skincare revolution of eliminating preservatives and artificial chemical additives, whilst engaging the most advanced technology to develop the safest and most effective health and beauty products. FANCL's professional beauty advisors also provide free consultancy services including advanced skin tests. Our beauty advisors always strive to provide customer-centric professional advice with a warm and friendly attitude, allowing our customers to better understand their skin and body condition, thereby obtaining the most suitable products.
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